Periodontal Treatment
Gingivitis is a bacterial infection of the tissues in the mouth and potential precursor of gum disease. As a gum infection progresses, the bone tends to recede; the gums may or may not recede. In some cases, the root of the tooth becomes exposed, occasionally causing tooth sensitivity. Furthermore, pus may be produced, and pockets may form between the gum and tooth. Since bone recession is not visible to the naked eye, and if left undetected, may contribute to tooth loss, it is important to visit your dentist for professional examinations and dental cleanings to identify gum disease.
Here are some common signs you and your dentist can look for:
- Bleeding gums during tooth brushing or otherwise
- Sensitive, red or swollen gums
- Bad br
- teeth that are loose or appear to have shifted
Treatments include the following:
- Scaling and root planing
- Pocket Elimination surgery: periodontal flap surgery may be performed to reduce the pocket gap between the teeth and gums.
- Tissue regeneration : involves grafting the bone to offer a better chance of bone re-growth to strengthen thin gums, soft tissue grafts may also be used
- Guided tissue regeneration involves the insertion of a membrane to help in the bone regeneration process. This is sometimes useful during periodontal surgery.
Open Daily
9:00 AM – 8:00 PM